Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.06465 14.41809

Vysehrad is a historic fortifications on the cliff above the right bank of the Vltava River in Prague and also the eponymous district in the south administrative district and city of Prague 2, occupying its immediate surroundings. Bonds to many legends of the early Czech history. according to legend, he founded the legendary prince Krok. It was created as a princely seat in the second half of the 10th century. Late 11th century it was the seat of the first Czech king Vratislav II.At the Church of St. Peter and Paul was founded Vyšehrad chapter. It later became the main fortress guarding the south of Prague, a vast Baroque redesigned in the second half of the 17th century from the 15th to the 19th century Vysehrad settlement it is also autonomous city in 1848 subordinate Vysehrad Chapter and connected to Prague in 1883. At the same time, there has been a transformation of the cemetery at the Church of St. Peter and Paul's burial site meritocracy Czech personalities with Slavin. Since 1962 Vysehrad landscaped area a national monument. The 2001 occupied cadastral of Vysehrad an area of 36.26 hectares and consisted of 114 houses 1,913 inhabitants.

Rotunda of St. Martin

Rotunda svatého Martina

St. Martin's Rotunda is the oldest surviving building located in Vysehrad and also the oldest surviving rotunda in the capital city of Prague. It was built for King Vratislav II. (Reigned 1061-1092), ie in the last third of the 11th century. Apparently he served as the parish church of Vyšehrad forecastle.
After the Hussite victory over Emperor Sigismund in 1420, all church buildings demolished to at Vyšehrad. He retained only Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul and the rotunda. In 1650 he began Ferdinand III. build a Vyšehrad citadel. Everything population was displaced and rotunda served as a powder magazine, and later as a warehouse. Destiny demolition narrowly escaped once more in 1841, when construction of the road had to retreat from New Town in Pankrác. The great merit for its preservation has Karel Chotek. But it had to be partially rebuilt entrance to interfere in the road. In 1845 he bought the rotunda of the Vyšehrad chapter and let it recover in the years 1878-1880 by the architect Antonín Baum. On the south side of the neo-Romanesque portal was created with motifs borrowed from Vyšehrad Codex.. From the same inspiration came out and Antonín König and Jan Herman mural of Christ inside the rotunda. Neo altar is made of marble is a altarpiece created by František Sequens.

Vysehrad tunnel

Vyšehradský tunel

Vyšehrad Tunnel is a road tunnel in Prague led through Vyšehrad rock measuring only 35 meters and was built in the years 1903-1905 (opened was Dec. 11, 1904). The tunnel has a bi-directional tube and not in addition to lighting equipped with any technological device. Tunnel passes since 1910 tram line road vehicles are diverted to the tram belt. In the years 1949-1967 the tunnel has also led trolleybus route from Pankrac to Wenceslas Square. After the west side tunnel walkway leads narrow (width 1.30 meters) apart from the roadway railing. On the sidewalk in the tunnel, and guided cycle track A2 with a frequency at peak times up to 400 cyclists per hour, traffic sign, however, dictates cyclists dismount. Although the tunnel is very short, it is a very important transport structure that supports traffic the right riverside between New Town and Podolí. In the event of tunnel closure (eg. In 1975, from March to July 1982 and November 2008) Spare public provide transport ships, otherwise it was necessary to make a detour through the roadblock Pankrác or through Smíchov, when some reconstructions preserve and pedestrian passage through the tunnel.

Vysehrad cemetery

Vyšehradský hřbitov

Vyšehrad cemetery at the Church of St. Peter and Paul at Vyšehrad is from the 19th century burial ground most prominent Czech personalities. In addition to the tombs of important people and their families here on the east side of the cemetery finds common tomb of the most important national figures - Slavin. The area of ​​the cemetery is 0.81 ha. The plot is also a mortuary and chapel. At the entrance on the west side is found a separate department, where they are buried nuns (Ursuline bartolomějky, redemptoristky). The cemetery was on this site in the 13th century, rebuilt into a national burial was in 1869, when they were past the cemetery built-renaissance arcades. Cemetery featured an exception among the cemeteries in Prague that there was in 1785 a special decree allowed burial, although other cemeteries at churches inside the city had to be canceled. At the turn of the 80s and 90s of the 19th century it was built Slavin monument. The transformation of the cemetery in the national cemetery suggested František Ladislav Rieger and deserved for her especially Vaclav Štulc.

Basilica of St. Peter and Paul

Bazilika svatého Petra a Pavla

Basilica of St Peter and St Paul in Prague Vyšehrad is a significant religious and cultural heritage; at the church he was already at the time of its creation based Collegiate Chapter.



Themed playground at Vyšehrad. Of course what other topic than Vyšehrad should be have .. be sure to check at 2 videos.



Myslbek's statues from Palacky Bridge moved to Vyšehrad: Záboj and Slavoj, Přemysl and Libuše, Ctirad and Šárka, Lumír and Píseň


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